A Study of Self-Efficacy of Senior Secondary School Teachers
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Teachers are considered to be the stars in the galaxy of educational setup. They have the potential for enhancing the quality of education by bringing life to curriculum and inspiring students, making them curious and attempting self-directed learning. On the other hand, teachers can also cast down the quality of education through their small mistakes, uncaring attitude and incompetency. Quality conscious teachers have a strong sense of self-efficacy that they can bring desired changes in the behaviour of the students. Bandura describes self-efficacy as an individual’s confidence in their ability to control their thoughts, feelings and actions and therefore influence outcome. All teachers have the ability to teach but what is more important is the belief in their ability to teach. A highly efficacious teacher always tries to implement innovative methods in every activity of classroom while low efficacious teacher may exert less effort in teaching learning process. This research has been conducted to study the self-efficacy of senior secondary school teachers.
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How to Cite
Sethi A, Mittal K. A Study of Self-Efficacy of Senior Secondary School Teachers. JTER [Internet]. 10Jun.2012 [cited 12Mar.2025];13(02):37-4. Available from: https://jter.in/index.php/JTER/article/view/102
Research Article