Inculcation of Values through Literature among Children: An Evaluation of NCERT English Textbook of Class-V

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Shelly Jindal1*, Mehra
Harish Kumar Tyagi2, Kaur
Mohsin Ali Khan3 Kaur


The present study assesses the effectiveness of English literature in inculcation of values among
children, to identify the various values reflected through prose and poetry of Standard 5 of
NCERT. The study revealed the proposed applicability of weaning away a separate value
education curriculum in order to integrate values in all subjects and strive for holistic education
among children. Qualitative method has been used and the Standard 5 of NCERT literature text
books have been extensively read, reviewed and analysed in order to list out the values that
were present in the content. Besides this, five English language teachers of government as well
as of private schools of New Delhi were interviewed and two classes of each teacher were
observed. The responses of the teachers’ questionnaires revealed that teachers’ contribution in
terms of efforts put in towards awareness of values were minimal. During the textbook analysis
and lesson observation, it was realised that a break from routine was very beneficial because it
offer teachers, the chance to do something different that was enjoyed by all and all the four skills
of reading, writing, listening and speaking could be integrated if teachers know the right
methods to transact the content.

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How to Cite
Mehra SJ, Kaur HKT, Kaur MAK. Inculcation of Values through Literature among Children: An Evaluation of NCERT English Textbook of Class-V. JTER [Internet]. 10Jun.2012 [cited 12Mar.2025];13(02):82-7. Available from:
Research Article