Effect of Blood Group on Academic Achievement of Secondary Students in Mathematics

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Rakesh Kumar Sharma


Researches show that the blood chemistry of an individual may affect in manifolds the human nature and his various potentialities. So by knowing the blood group of the students and its relation with academic achievement, a teacher can modify his efforts accordingly. It is the job of the teacher to measure whether the students have acquired the required level of knowledge before proceeding to the next component of instruction. This study was conducted on 610 students which was sufficiently large and drawn in a random manner and may be reasonably considered representative of the total population of students studying in XI grade in schools affiliated to CBSE situated in Meerut Educational District (U.P.). On the basis of the analysis of so collected data it was found that secondary students who belong to the AB blood group are better than those who belong to A, B and O blood groups and secondary students belonging to the A blood group are better than those belonging to B and O blood groups. Hence as was assumed that the blood chemistry of an individual affects his achievements in manifolds, the same has been proved on the basis of findings of this study.

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How to Cite
Sharma R. Effect of Blood Group on Academic Achievement of Secondary Students in Mathematics. JTER [Internet]. 10Jun.2012 [cited 12Mar.2025];13(02):91-9. Available from: https://jter.in/index.php/JTER/article/view/110
Research Article