A Study of Relationship between Personality and Job Satisfaction of Government Primary School Teachers

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Shalini Singh


Primary education is the back bone of our educational system and first step towards man making. In such condition, role of teacher becomes more important because a teacher is the pivot of educational system. The present study has been conducted on male and female government primary school teachers to find out relationship between their personalities and job satisfaction level. The researcher had formulated six objectives and six hypotheses to reach the conclusion. To delimit the study, researcher has taken only 100 teachers from 16 government primaryschools of district Ghaziabad. Only two personal factors (marital status and educational qualification) of personality have been taken as independent variable and job satisfaction asdependent variable. The Teacher Job Satisfaction Scale of Pramod Kumar and D.N. Mutha and Introversion–Extroversion inventory developed by Dr. P.F. Aziz and Dr. Rekha Agnihotri were used. The statistical techniques used were correlation and t-test. The researcher has reached the conclusion that personality does not affect the job satisfaction level of both male and female government primary school teachers, marital status of male and female government primary school teachers does not affect the personality. Under graduate male and female government primary school teachers are more satisfied with their job than post graduate primary teachers.

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How to Cite
Singh S. A Study of Relationship between Personality and Job Satisfaction of Government Primary School Teachers. JTER [Internet]. 11Dec.2018 [cited 12Mar.2025];13(02):1-. Available from: https://jter.in/index.php/JTER/article/view/111
Research Article