Job Stress of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to their Gender, Type of School and Length of Experience

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N D Manju


The study investigates the job stress of secondary school teachers. The sample of 100 secondaryschool teachers from Mysore city were selected by stratified random sampling technique andconsidering the independent variable namely gender, length of experience and type of schools. Teachers job stress was assessed with the help of ‘Indore Teachers Job Stress Scale’ developed by Dr. Mrs. Meena Buddhisagar Rathod and Dr. Madhulika Varma (2005). The descriptive survey method was adopted for the study. The data, obtained was analysed using t-test and oneway ANOVA. Findings of the study were; 1.86% possess an average level of job stress, 10% possess low level of job stress and only 4% of teachers possess high level of job stress. There is no significant difference between government, private-aided and private-unaided school teachers with respect to their job stress. There is no significant difference between male and female teachers with respect to their job stress. There is no significant difference between high and low experienced teachers with respect to their job stress.

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How to Cite
Manju N. Job Stress of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to their Gender, Type of School and Length of Experience. JTER [Internet]. 10Jun.2012 [cited 12Mar.2025];13(02):29-6. Available from:
Research Article