A Comparative Study of Vocational Interests of Secondary School Students in Relation to their Gender

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Anjali Gupta


Students all over the world at some points have to make a choice of profession for sustaining their livelihoods. If the chosen profession is according to their choice, they can excel in their field of work. In the present scenario, students and their families are more concerned about their future. In this regard, a study has been conducted to know the vocational interests of Secondary School students concerning their gender. Through this study, the researcher has tried to know and acknowledge the vocational interest of secondary school students in relation to their gender. The simple random sampling procedure selected a sample of 100 students (50 Boys and 50 Girls) reading in various schools in the district of Meerut of Uttar Pradesh state. A standardized tool developed by Bansal V. P and Srivastava D. N. (1975) named “Vocational Interest Record” was used for the collection of primary data. The data were analyzed with the help of Mean, SD, and t-test to study the vocational interests of secondary students. The result revealed that there existed a difference in the vocational interest pattern of secondary school students in different vocational interest areas. The result also revealed that there is a significant difference in the vocational areas of secondary school students in relation to gender variation.

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How to Cite
Gupta A. A Comparative Study of Vocational Interests of Secondary School Students in Relation to their Gender. JTER [Internet]. 10Dec.2019 [cited 12Mar.2025];14(02):34-6. Available from: https://jter.in/index.php/JTER/article/view/140
Research Article