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Sangeeta Gupta


Education has a broad meaning, application and importance. Education is a tool that empowers a person to think practically and avoid illusions in the form of superstition and other religious beliefs. And teachers are the agents to provide education and are facilitators to shape the future of the Nation. In this period of hard times (corona virus outbreak) research papers on different issues of education are included in this issue of the Journal to cater interests of the readers of various fields of education. In her study Dr. Neelam Raipuria Mangla attempted to find out relationship between emotional intelligence and teaching attitude of 120 B.Ed. students by using Product Moment Co-relation for analysis. The study showed that student teachers who had better emotional intelligence had positive attitude towards teaching. Dr.Murvi Singh Rathore and Dr. Sangeeta Gupta in their study investigated level of politeness among 40 male and 40 female teacher educators. For the study data was collected through random sampling and ‘t’ test was used for analysing data. Result of the study indicated that level of politeness was more in female teacher educators as compared to their counterparts. Dr. P C Jena did his research on risk taking behaviour of 300 senior secondary school students (150 from government and 150from private schools) of Jalandhar district of Punjab selected by using simple random sampling technique. Analysis and interpretation of data was done by using ‘t’ test .The study concluded that there existed a significant difference in risk taking behaviour of senior secondary school male and female students studying in government and private schools. The reason behind it might be excess exposure of media and other such factors which induced young boys and girls to inmate all those things in real life which were otherwise considered as anti social activities. Ms. Anushka Gupta and Dr. Harish Kumar Tyagi conducted their research on the opinion of 25 teachers and 25 students who were selected randomly towards happiness classes and its relation to the academic achievements of the students studying in MCD schools of Delhi. A self made test was applied for data collection by the researchers. The study revealed that the opinion of male and female teachers as well as students do not differ significantly with respect to happiness classes and happiness of students is related to some extent to the academic accomplishment of students. Ms. Gulnaz Khan aimed in her study to explore the present status of utilization of the available educational opportunities designed and available for the girls and their counter parts. To gather the information from the various secondary level sources a table was designed, the authority and websites of census , CBSE Delhi, ICSE Delhi and Allahabad Board UP were contacted and after seeking their permission the data was collected and compiled in the designed tables so that it could fulfil the objectives of undertaken research and group discussions were organized with parents and community members to identify factors responsible for girls’ education. The research revealed that girls are able to raise their academic status within the available educational opportunities.

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How to Cite
Gupta S. Editorial. JTER [Internet]. 30Aug.2020 [cited 12Mar.2025];15(01). Available from: https://jter.in/index.php/JTER/article/view/155