An Analysis of the Stake Holders’ Opinion Towards Inclusive Education

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Laxmi Pandey


AIM: This paper aimed to explore the perception of teachers, principals, and staff working in Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) schools towards inclusive education. METHOD: A sample of 60 teachers teaching from10 (MCD) schools in New Delhi was selected randomly. Data was collected with the help of a self-constructed attitude scale. The scale includes 4 broad components i) categorization of Classes ii) categorization of the roles of teachers iii). Categorization of Students as per their gender and iv) Categorization as per medium of instruction. Under each component, 5 items were included. Each item was rated at a 5-point scale ranging from strongly agree to disagree strongly. The study findings were synthesized according to the aspects of teachers’ perception and knowledge towards inclusive education. FINDINGS: The study revealed that students with disabilities are benefitted with inclusive education. It is also found that MCD schools are changing rapidly to meet the learning needs of all the children seeking to improve students’ learning outcomes in academic achievements, social skills, and personal development. Also, many factors still hinder the effective implementation of inclusive education in MCD Schools in Delhi.

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How to Cite
Pandey L. An Analysis of the Stake Holders’ Opinion Towards Inclusive Education. JTER [Internet]. 30Jun.2021 [cited 12Mar.2025];16(01):9-1. Available from:
Research Article