Perception of Secondary School Teachers for Online Learning During COVID-19

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Anjali Kumari
Vikramjit Singh


In this present lockdown situation due to COVID-19 pandemic, the entire education system shifts from traditional to non-traditional teachinglearning. Our teachers have made education possible with the help of technology. The usage of technology for online learning depends upon teachers' perceptions of it. The research was conducted to determine the perception of secondary school teachers of online teaching-learning. The major objectives of this study are to find out the perception of teachers towards online learning based on gender, type of school, subject taught, teaching experience, and educational qualification. The descriptive survey is used in this research. The quota sampling technique selects 140 secondary school teachers from Patna. A self-constructed and validated perception scale was used to collect data. Data analysis was carried out with chi-square for perception scale in SPSS software. From the analysis, it was found that there were no significant differences in the perception of secondary school teachers based on the various background variables of secondary school teachers. It means that the secondary school teachers of Patna have a positive perception of online learning during COVID-19. They used online platforms for the teaching-learning process. This research paper contributes to studying teachers' perception of technology adoption in education.

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How to Cite
Kumari A, Singh V. Perception of Secondary School Teachers for Online Learning During COVID-19. JTER [Internet]. 30Dec.2021 [cited 12Mar.2025];16(02):1-. Available from:
Research Article