Impact of Non-academic Responsibilities of Teachers on Teaching Quality

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Abhinandan Kulal
Abhishek N
Meghashree .
Swarn G. Kanchan


Teaching quality in an education system becomes the foundation and roadmap to the development of young people and the country at large. If the quality of education declines, the country's productivity also declines. Whatever the type of education institutions running in the country must emphasize on improving the quality of education they are intended to provide. Nowadays, it can be noticed that many education institutions are becoming commercial and mainly focusing on getting grades, certifications, rankings and recognitions. The present study aims to examine the impact of non-academic responsibilities on the quality of teaching. For this purpose, the study adopted a descriptive research design to analyze the collected data from the teachers teaching in higher education. This study observed that non-academic responsibilities are significantly influencing on teaching quality in India. Thus, higher education institutions and regulators should work together to bring policies, strategies and methods to balance academic and non-academic responsibilities without compromising teaching quality. If this is the reality, the students' competencies for their survival will be enhanced and in turn, the overall productivity of young people will also go up for the long run.

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How to Cite
Kulal A, N A, . M, Kanchan S. Impact of Non-academic Responsibilities of Teachers on Teaching Quality. JTER [Internet]. 31Jan.2023 [cited 12Mar.2025];17(02):5-2. Available from:
Research Article