An Analysis of the Usage of Social Networking Sites by Prospective Teachers during Pandemic Period
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Social networking sites (SNSs) are defined as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a profile and share connections with a
certain list of other users. Their phenomenal features like information and communication, entertainment and immediate interaction with
each other popularized them worldwide. The recent perilous COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new normal to the forefront in all spheres of
life in general and education in specific. This pandemic raised the demand for online education modes. The existing SNSs successfully fulfilled
that immediate demand. To carry out the online teaching-learning process without disruption, the Education sector had to adopt these SNSs
immediately. This usage of the SNSs popularised them among the students and they started using them for other than educational purposes.
In the present study, researchers analyzed prospective teachers' usage of social networking sites during the pandemic period. The analysis of
the basic usage pattern of SNSs in the present study reveals that the prospective teachers at large started using them on daily basis and even
multiple times a day during the pandemic. While analyzing the affective experience of using SNSs, the prospective teachers' researchers found
that most users were satisfied with these social media sites.