An Evaluative Study of the B.Ed. Curricula Operative in Universities with Specific Reference to Environmental Education

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Mugdha Anand


The present study elaborates on the environment and its basics, the history and growth of environmental education and the relevance of
environmental education in teacher education. Theoretical orientations of the present study elaborates on contemporary environmental issues
around the world, contemporary environmental issues in India, people’s concern for environmental protection and preservation, environmental
movements in India and environmental movements around the world. The design of the study includes the title of the research, objectives,
operational definition of the key terms, delimitations of the study, population and sample, tools for data collection and procedure for analysis
of the data in the context of the present study. The details of data collection, analysis and interpretations has been presented in two parts; the
first part includes the analysis of the Syllabi Document of environmental education as prescribed in B.Ed. The curriculum of B.Ed. Institutions
and the second part include analysis of Pre-service Teachers’ Responses obtained from the self-constructed questionnaire in order to explore
the awareness, knowledge and attitude (sensitivity) of pre-service teachers in relation to environmental education syllabi as prescribed in B.Ed.
The curriculum of B.Ed. Institutions.

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How to Cite
Anand M. An Evaluative Study of the B.Ed. Curricula Operative in Universities with Specific Reference to Environmental Education. JTER [Internet]. 24Jul.2023 [cited 12Mar.2025];18(01):11-7. Available from:
Research Article