Work Motivation among Secondary school Teachers: Demographic Analysis

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Yogita Sharma


The present investigation has been undertaken in order to study the Work Motivation of Secondary School Teachers in Aligarh and Hathras Districts. The work motivation scale (WMS) was constructed by K. G. Agarwal in the year 20013, has been administrated to a random sample of 489 secondary school teachers. The collected data was subjected to percentage analysis and differential analysis (‘t’ test and ‘F’ test). The findings revealed that the majority sample of secondary school teachers had a moderate level of work motivation towards their profession. Further it revealed that the secondary school teachers differ significantly in their work motivation with respect to their active on social sites. It is found that the high school teachers do not differ significantly in their work motivation with respect to their gender, location of school, type of school, type of management, subject handled, age of teachers, marital status, educational qualifications, experience in teaching, type of mobile phone, and time spent on interne of secondary school teachers.

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How to Cite
Sharma Y. Work Motivation among Secondary school Teachers: Demographic Analysis. JTER [Internet]. 15Jan.2025 [cited 12Mar.2025];19(02):14-8. Available from:
Research Article