Facilitating Instruction of Central Dogma of Molecular Biology through Contextualization

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Marchee Tabotabo-Picarda
Jennifer D. Paño Tabotabo-Picarda


This descriptive research investigated the effectiveness of contextualized instruction of Central Dogma of Molecular Biology, a science concept difficult for students to understand and visualize.
It aimed to promote mastery on this least mastered competency. It was administered to Grade 10 up-land students during their regular science lesson. Instruments such as pre/post-test questionnaires, performance indicator checklist of the central dogma of molecular biology processes, and attitude, interest, and behaviour inventory were employed to measure the effecton the three variables: understanding, performance, and engagement, respectively. Paired t-test was used to compare the pre-test and post-test results. Prior to the intervention, students had
low conceptual understanding and manipulative skills. At the end of the contextualized instruction, a significant increase was observed. Respondents expressed a positively moderate level of engagement implying that their attitude, interest, and behaviour towards the lesson were enhanced by the approach. Pearson r-correlation was used to establish relationship among
the three variables. Understanding and performance correlate with each other but not with engagement. Generally, the approach is highly commendable for science instruction, particularly genetics concepts, because students find the lesson relevant to them through various parameters of contextualized instruction.

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How to Cite
Tabotabo-Picarda M, Tabotabo-Picarda JDP. Facilitating Instruction of Central Dogma of Molecular Biology through Contextualization. JTER [Internet]. 24Nov.2019 [cited 12Mar.2025];13(02):107-1. Available from: https://jter.in/index.php/JTER/article/view/39
Research Article