Correlates of Professional Development of Teachers: An Exploratory Study

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Harish Kumar
Shruti Monga


Aim: To study the Teaching Competency of Elementary Teachers in relation to their self-concept school support provided by their schools. Method: In first phase of the study, all MCD schools and private schools in all 12 districts of Delhi were covered under the population. In second phase of sampling, an equal numbers of teachers from both types of schools were selected. Them data were collected from 60 private and 60Government School (MCD) teachers teaching in Delhi. To measure the Teaching competency of teachers, teaching competencies scale of Dr. BK Pal was used by the researcher herself. This is an Observation Teaching Scale. The scale covers the items on Questioning, Explaining, Explaining, Illustrating with an Example, Reinforcement, Stimulus Variation, Encouraging Pupil Participation, Dramatization, Narration, Recitation and Classroom Management. Self-concept was measured by using Self-Concept Questionnaire by R K Sarswat was used. The inventory contains 48 items. It provides six separate dimensions of self-concept, i.e., physical, social, temperamental, educational, moral and intellectual selfconcept. It also gives a total self-concept score. The alternatives given in SCQ were arranged in such a way that the scoring system for all the items would remain the same, i.e., 5,4,3,2,1, whether the items were positive or negative. The summated score of all the items provides the total self-concept score of an individual. A high score on the questionnaire indicates a higher self-concept, while a low score shows lower self-concept. School support was measured by applying self-constructed and standardized tool (Bharti, 2017). This tool consists of six dimensions, i.e., Physical, Academic, Social, Professional Development, Information and Communication Technology and Human Resource. Each dimension contains a set of items. In this way, the entire tool consists of 42 items. The toot was administered on a group of teachers. Findings: Female are more competent and skillful, more flexible, adaptive and creative which is found in various studies. Influence of age on teaching skill as individual learns through experiences as age increases knowledge increases. Experience and age both goes hand in hand. As if age increases competency also enhanced. Male teachers are less competent this may be due to their major involvement in the family than two other. Private school teachers are exposed to apply newly learned knowledge in their classes.

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How to Cite
Kumar H, Monga S. Correlates of Professional Development of Teachers: An Exploratory Study. JTER [Internet]. 24Nov.2019 [cited 12Mar.2025];13(02):169-77. Available from:
Research Article