A Comparative Study of Computer-Aided Teaching and Traditional Teaching in Science and Mathematics Subjects
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Aim: The aim of the present study was to see the effect of Computer-Aided Learning (CAL) on the academic achievement of students in science and math subjects. Sample: 148 students from two government senior secondary school located in Dilshad Garden, Delhi of class VI participated in the study. These students were divided in equal number of two groups i.e., 74 in experimental and 74 in control group. In both the groups there were an equal number of boys and girls. Both he groups of students were taught 30 day each. Method: Investigator administered the pre-test achievement test in science and math subjects on 148 students. Test had 30 items (containing fill in the blanks, true false, etc.) carrying one mark each (total test is of 30 marks). Teaching for control group occurred in their regular classrooms. Lesson planning was done in advance for control group. Selected topics and its contents were taught by the investigators as per their scheduled time. Lesson ended with summary and recapitulation. Experimental group were exposed to computer with CD. They were taught with text, and explanation related to the content. Investigator was present to explain the various concepts taken for teaching by the use of computer and CD-ROM. Teaching occurred for 35 min of a period for 30 day to complete the content assigned by the subject teacher in both control and experimental groups. Findings: Administration of the post-test after the instructional treatment of 30 day was administered to both the experimental and control groups. It was found that the students who were taught through CAL scored high achievement in science and mathematics after treatment.
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How to Cite
Kumar S, Kumar A. A Comparative Study of Computer-Aided Teaching and Traditional Teaching in Science and Mathematics Subjects. JTER [Internet]. 10Jun.2012 [cited 12Mar.2025];12(01):27-4. Available from: https://jter.in/index.php/JTER/article/view/75
Research Article